We work towards improving lives

We work towards improving lives

Saturday 4 February 2012


What is Cancer? What Causes Cancer?

Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by out-of-control cell growth. There are over 100 different types of cancer, and each is classified by the type of cell that is initially affected.
Cancer harms the body when damaged cells divide uncontrollably to form lumps or masses of tissue called tumors (except in the case of leukemia where cancer prohibits normal blood function by abnormal cell division in the blood stream). Tumors can grow and interfere with the digestive, nervous, and circulatory systems, and they can release hormones that alter body function. Tumors that stay in one spot and demonstrate limited growth are generally considered to be benign.
Cancer cell
More dangerous, or malignant, tumors form when two things occur:
  1. a cancerous cell manages to move throughout the body using the blood or lymph systems, destroying healthy tissue in a process called invasion
  2. that cell manages to divide and grow, making new blood vessels to feed itself in a process called angiogenesis.
When a tumor successfully spreads to other parts of the body and grows, invading and destroying other healthy tissues, it is said to have metastasized. This process itself is called metastasis, and the result is a serious condition that is very difficult to treat.
In 2007, cancer claimed the lives of about 7.6 million people in the world. Physicians and researchers who specialize in the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer are called oncologists.

What causes cancer?

Cancer is ultimately the result of cells that uncontrollably grow and do not die. Normal cells in the body follow an orderly path of growth, division, and death. Programmed cell death is called apoptosis, and when this process breaks down, cancer begins to form. Unlike regular cells, cancer cells do not experience programmatic death and instead continue to grow and divide. This leads to a mass of abnormal cells that grows out of control.

Cancer warning signs:

1. Losing weight at a rapid rate (among people not being on a diet), gasses, discomfort, digestive disorders, anorexia, recurring diarrhoea, constipation – are the symptoms occurring most frequently in case of lung, stomach, kidney and large intestine cancer. If accompanied by a feeling of weakness, it can be a sign of blood loss or lack of proper elements building it.
2. Pain of unknown cause – long-lasting stomach-ache can be the symptom of large intestine cancer, lumbalgia can be the sign of kidney cancer, pain in the chest can result from lung cancer. Bone aches can be caused by metastasis.
3. Haemoptysis, long-lasting hoarseness (over 3 weeks), persistent cough or change of its character – can be caused by lung or larynx cancer.
4. Change in colour of moles and warts, ulceration and itching, ulceration of open wounds, burns and scalds can be the signs of skin cancer.
5. Excessive production of urine, backlog of urine, painful urinating, slow, time-consuming flow of urine, lumbago as well as backache can be the signs of prostate cancer.
6. Pain, vertigo, nausea, sight distortions (oversensitized sight, astigmatism), hearing impediment, upset balance and mental disorders can result from brain cancer.
7. Swallowing difficulties – can be a symptom of throat, larynx, oesophagus and stomach cancer.
8. Feeling of fullness in epigastrium, aches and digestive disorders – may be due to stomach cancer and other kinds of alimentary canal cancer, sometimes ovary cancer.
9. Blood in faeces, black faeces, alternating diarrhoea and constipation, mucus in faeces, narrow (pencil-like) faeces – are the symptoms of alimentary canal cancer, especially of large intestine and rectum.
10. Blood in urine (without the symptoms of urinary tracks inflammation), dysuria (compulsive urination, difficulties in urination) – can accompany the urinary tracks cancer.
11. Improper bleeding from the genital tracks, pink or dark-red vaginal discharges, hypogastrium and lower limbs ache can be the signs of vagina, uterine cervix and uterus cancer.
12. Marks on skin and mucosus membrane (lips, oral cavity, genitals): not healing ulceration, change in mark’s appearance, occurrence of new skin marks of some specific features (irregular distribution of pigment, vague line between the mark and healthy skin, quick growth of the marks, bleeding, dripping).
13. Breast tumour (by approximately 15% - 25% can be impalpable), ulceration, the retraction of nipple, asymmetrical nipples, change of size or the shape of a nipple, its swelling and the marks around it, enlargement of lymphatic glands in the armpit, extension of veins in the breast skin, ulceration of breast skin, shoulder swelling, flat efflorescene in case of the so called advanced inflammation nipple cancer – are often the symptoms of breast cancer.
14. Fever, tiredness, bones and joints ache, inclination to temporary anaemia and bleeding, impalpable tumour of abdominal cavity, as a result of spleen enlargement, that can be detected in gastro-bowel test.
15. Pain and pressure in the upper right part of stomach, tiredness, anorexia and at a further stage of rhe disease a palpable tumour in the upper right part of stomach, inclination to jaundice and bleeding can be the signs of liver cancer.

Cancer Prevention Tips:

  • Exercise regularly: Minimum 30 minutes per day. Moderate regular exercise reduces your cancer risk at least 40 percent.
  • Eat a healthy well- balanced diet: little or no red meat, and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Cigarette smoking increases your cancer risk by 30 percent.
  • Maintain regular gynecological examinations: including Pap smears and Mammograms. Perform monthly breast self exams: It's the best preventive measure.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Share a SMILE on Valentine's Day

Valentine's day is a day where you share your love with your loved ones so take a step towards 

sharing a SMILE with someone you do not know but who needs it the most. 

Send your special someone an original, custom-designed valentine by a child with Autism (and 

help support a cause at the same time).

For a Rs 365/- donation, we will sign, fold stamp and mail your card to your valentine on Feb. 10. 

All proceeds go to care4autism Center (www.care4autism.in) at Hyderabad !!!

Sunday 13 November 2011


How many of you know the significance of making world a place of awareness? Diabetes, now a very dangerous and a life long disease where a patient suffers from high levels of sugar in blood. If not diagnosed early, people will be very sick and beyond any repair. 


High blood sugar levels can cause several symptoms, including:
  • Blurry vision
  • Excess thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Hunger
  • Weight loss
    World Diabetes Day is a campaign that features a new theme chosen by the International Diabetes Federation each year to address issues facing the global diabetes community. While the themed campaigns last the whole year, the day itself is celebrated on November 14, to mark the birthday of Frederick Banting who, along with Charles Best, first conceived the idea which led to the discovery of insulin in 1922.
    Diabetes Education and Prevention is the World Diabetes Day theme for the period 2009-2013. The campaign slogan for 2010 is 'Let's take control of diabetes. Now.'

    Make a difference now by taking  regular checks of your loved ones and spread awareness among all... 

Wednesday 5 October 2011

SimplyGive starts its first CEREBRAL PALSY school in Hyderabad

SIMPLYGIVE foundation aims at improving lives, making sure that proper care and treatment is given to the people who need it the most. 
On National Cerebral Palsy Day i.e. Oct 3rd SimplyGive has opened the first Cerebral Palsy friendly school in Hyderabad. 
Here is a small overview on what Cerebral Palsy. 

Cerebral Palsy is often referred to as CP. Damage to the muscles or nerves does not cause cerebral palsy, but damage to the motor area or improper development in the brain does. Development of the brain starts during pregnancy and continues till the age of three. When the brain is damaged or hurt during pregnancy, during birth or after birth of the baby, then cerebral palsy may result. We all know that the brain controls all our actions and hence the movements of the muscles.
If the brain is injured or not properly developed, the messages which allow the child to walk, talk, stand, and sit are not properly conveyed and the child experiences difficulty in movement. Hence, the conditions could range from very slight awkwardness in movement or muscle control to total loss of muscle control. The muscles that are affected could be confined to one side of the body or the entire body. Muscles become stiff (spasticity) and reflex movements are absolutely uncontrolled. Unfortunately, the damage is permanent. There is no cure as such for cerebral palsy but Therapy and training can help the child to lead a better life.
It is not a disease in the strict sense of the word and hence is not contagious or hereditary in nature. Although C.P. is a non-progressive condition ---that is the damage to the brain does not worsen with the passage of time, the effects of cerebral palsy may change. Body movement and muscle coordination may deteriorate with the aging process or in some cases the condition may actually improve.
Cerebral Palsy need not necessarily incapacitate the child entirely. Since the learning and thinking centers are controlled by a different part of the brain, loss of motor control is not necessarily accompanied by a loss in thinking or the ability to learn. In fact many children with cerebral palsy have average intelligence.
Depending on which areas of the brain have been damaged, the child will encounter muscle spasms, involuntary movement, difficulty with walking and running (gross motor skills), difficulty with writing (fine motor skills) or experience difficulty in perception and sensation and may have difficulty even in swallowing.
Unfortunately the effects of cerebral palsy may bring along with it other associated problems which may lead to difficulties in feeding, developmental delay and seizures which are more difficult to handle. Spastic hemiplegia is said to occur when one side is affected---either the right or left side. In spastic quadriplegia all four limbs are affected and in paraplegia only the legs are affected.
Children with cerebral palsy need special education from special schools, which focus on speech therapy, improvement of motor skills, and more importantly cater to their individual needs because no two children suffering from CP are alike.

There is no cure for cerebral palsy, as the damage to the brain cannot be reversed. What can be done however is that it can be managed. There are limitations to the amount of improvement that can be brought about, so the best thing that can be done is to teach children to achieve their maximum potential.
This is easier said than done, for it requires patience on the part of the parents and children and the cooperation of doctors, nurses and therapists. Motivation is a key factor and this has got to stem from within. To make that happen there has to be external motivation. Play, outdoor games are an important factor which children enjoy. The dual benefit of learning and having fun at the same time can be achieved.
Almost all cases of cerebral palsy require physiotherapy in some form or the other. The parts of the body that are not affected need to be exercised regularly to increase their function and the parts which are affected have to be exercised to optimize their functioning capacity.
Vocation and occupational therapy have got to be an integrated part of any management program, for it caters to the daily needs of the individual.
Brushing, dressing, practicing to hold objects, listening to music and nursery rhymes and doing daily chores help the children to have a sense of independence.

Speech Language Therapy is essential for constructive communication. Where the muscles of the tongue, mouth and throat are affected, swallowing is a problem. Speech is also difficult. Speech therapy can help to make it less difficult.
Educational Therapies
In order to fit in with the real world, education in some form is a must. Conductive education focuses on all aspects of learning--- Developing motor skills, and acquiring social and emotional skills. The BOBATH therapy is aimed at optimizing co-coordinated movements. The FELDENKARAIS therapy is a form of somatic education that focuses on improving coordination between the muscles.
Drugs are an inevitable part of managing cerebral palsy. They could be in the form of anticonvulsant drugs, muscle relaxants or anticholinergic drugs are used to control bladder movements. Acupressure, acupuncture and massage, help in controlling muscle spasms. When the child experiences difficulties because of muscle contractions, surgery may be resorted to. The nature of surgery would be to lengthen the tendons or to transfer tendons from one area to another. The elbows, backs of the heel or the shoulders are areas of the body where this procedure is done. In cases where the child cannot eat, liquid feeding tubes are inserted.
As a prerequisite to treatment, prevention and early diagnosis are key factors that reduce the incidence of cerebral palsy. Nullifying Blood incompatibility in pregnant women, adequate prenatal care, treating jaundice in newborns with photo therapy and educating parents on protecting children from brain injury. CAT scans and MRI help to identify lesions in the brain of children and this helps to diagnose cerebral palsy early. In spite of doing all this, it takes months or years sometimes to diagnose a case of cerebral palsy.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Why should you donate to charity?

1. Charity donations are tax-deductible.

Sure, some portion of taxes go to helping those in need (welfare, disaster relief, etc.), but if we donate 1000rs, we get a large portion of that back if we list it as tax deductible. Suddenly your 1000rs donation is only 650rs. The point is to actually give the money away, remember?

2. Giving now is better than giving in the future.

It may seem like a small amount now, but a dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow. Don’t wait until you’re super rich to give to charity. Your 100 rs now may have a larger impact on you now, but it also have a larger impact on the charity than if you waited 5 years to give that 100 rs, when inflation knocks that value down to about 85rs.

4. You really CAN make a difference.

SimplyGive is going to promote your money and it won’t be wasted and they won’t be spending it all on beer  instead it will go to someone who needs the help. Can you make any more of a difference than that?

5. You’re just going to blow it on something dumb anyway.

As pious as you are, there’s still extra money in your budget somewhere. Create a budget for charity donations, then some of your extra money (each month or each year) and donate it to charity. Use your spending money to make a difference instead of spending it on multiplexes (that costs 200 rs a ticket) or on restaurants that would just add to your calories. I am not saying don't spend something on yourself but think about it. Its doing the good deed that leaves you with satisfaction and not some dumb movie plot.

 And if you think you don’t have enough, take that extra 2% you’ll be earning next year and put that toward a charity fund.

6. You’ll help yourself at the same time.

Studies show that when individuals spend money on gifts for friends or charitable organizations, their happiness increases while those who spend on themselves get no such boost. Even Scrooge can agree that everyone wins.

7. If you don’t help now, you never will.

Don’t pretend that instead of giving money, you’re going to donate time. When was the last time you volunteered at the orphanage or at the disability clinic? Don’t let your mind fall for this trick. Send the money now or you’ll end up giving nothing.

8. Be a leader, not a follower.

Since other people don’t donate, you don’t want to either? If your friends know you’re giving to charity, they’ll be encouraged as well. And your friends are probably in credit card debt, too. Are you sure you want to follow their lead?

Readers, What do you think?  Should we be donating more or less this year?

Sunday 11 September 2011


Care4Autism Society is a non-profit centre for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The Centre's primary mission is to provide children with autism an intensive comprehensive educational program based on the scientifically validated procedures.W
 The front view of Care4 Autism
 Care4 Autism - The center for Austistic children
The Playground under renovation
 (now completed)

Volunteers- time to earn brownie points for doing good

What is volunteering?

Volunteering can be described as giving your time and energy freely and by choice without concern for financial gain. It can describe hundreds of different activities that people choose to do to benefit or support others in the community. The word volunteering is used for a range of activities such as community service, self-help, charity, neighbourliness, citizenship, public service, community action, community involvement, trustee, member, helper.

There are volunteering opportunities in many different avenues that SimplyGive Foundation offers you. 

Why should people Volunteer?

You can meet new people and improve lives by getting them to 

contribute to the society. 

People volunteer at different times of their lives for different reasons:
  • you might want to give something back to your local community or a particular group which helped you at a difficult time in your life
  • you might feel isolated and want to meet new friends
  • you may be unemployed/looking for a new career direction/have been made redundant so want to learn new skills and keep yourself active
  • you could have experiences and skills you’d like to pass on to others.
It’s flexible - you decide how much you want to do and when, taking into account the other commitments you have in your life. 
Although you won’t be paid, there are other rewards for volunteering: 
  • building up confidence and self-esteem
  • meeting people in similar circumstances
  • learning transferable skills
  • trying out new experiences
  • helping others as well as yourself
  • and very often, having a lot of fun!
There are many training opportunities you can access as a volunteer, it shouldn't affect your benefits and many volunteer organisations offer out-of-pocket expenses.  And it looks good on your CV - many employers look very favorably on volunteering experience. 

How Can I make a difference?

Yes. Volunteering is so much a part of society that it is often easier to describe the difference that volunteers make by imagining a society where no-one volunteered:
  • social and leisure activities would be significantly affected as there would be no rugby matches, sporting events or athletics, no Formula One motor racing or Olympic Games without the input of volunteer coaches,  organisers and marshals
  • there would be no music events, pop concerts, festivals, Urdd or National Eisteddfodau without volunteer fundraisers, organisers or St John's Ambulance volunteers
  • there would be little medical research or advice and support to people with specific problems
  • people would die without the Samaritans, the lifeboat service, cave and mountain rescue teams and the British Red Cross
  • our health service would be significantly impoverished without the donations from volunteer-organised activities, such as tea shops and library trolleys, hospital radio and community volunteers to help discharged patients or those coming into hospital
  • the criminal justice system would break down without lay magistrates, witness support and victim support volunteers
  • much of the landscape, wildlife and areas of natural beauty would suffer neglect
  • many older, disabled and vulnerable people would be isolated and lonely.
As a volunteer you can really have an impact on peoples' lives and the community around you, as well as making your own life more fulfilled and rewarding.

What can I do?

Whatever your age, interests or background, whether you can commit regularly or occasionally, there is likely to be something suitable for you. There are opportunities to volunteer in a wide variety of settings for example out-of-doors, in community centres or care homes, offices or your own home and you can take part in many different activities such as fundraising, sports, befriending, administrative work, or practical help and support to children, young or older people.What you do as a volunteer depends on what you want to achieve. Everyone has a personal reason for volunteering and you should choose something that will help you fulfil your personal goal.One of the best ways to find out about volunteering is to hear from the volunteers themselves.  You can read about the experiences of real volunteers in Wales by clicking on the links on the right hand side of this page.  We’ll be adding to these over the next few months.  

How do I get started?

Contact us and you will find umpteen avenues open for you.You can find information related to our work on our website www.simplygive.org.in